Latest News
May 2006
Diesel Theft Alert Grows
>>More (TNN Website)
May 2006
Bulk Diesel For Industry Hits 80p Per Litre - Record High
>>More (TNN Website)
19th March 2006
Diesel smugglers come out at night
>>More (Times On-Line Website)
1st August 2005
Orders prove demand for anti-siphoning device from TruckProtect.
May 2005
Great Success at Truckfest2005.
May 2005
Truck Protect is also pleased to announce the appointment of Edward Roderick as Chairman.
April 2005
Huge response at CV2005.
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Píniová 9
821 07 Bratislava

Mobil: +421 904 568 680
Tel: +421 (2) 63 45 23 60
Fax: +421 (2)
63 45 23 61

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